Microblading / Permanent Makeup Aftercare
Microblading / Permanent Makeup Aftercare
Do not wet for 5 days. To remove makeup, avoid any face wash on the eyebrows. Try to wash around the eyebrows without getting water on the treated area.
No rubbing, no picking!!!!! After 4-5 days the treated area may start to feel a little ticklish. It is especially important not to rub the area because it can cause infection or create bald spots in the newly reconstructed brow. Peeling is a normal phase of the healing process.
Apply vitamin E and D (DesEyener studio will provide you with that) when you start to feel itchy or dry. Only apply just a tiny bit on the brow. It will help to keep the treated area moisturized and soft for the rest of recovery period.
No makeup application to the treated area for the first 10 days. Makeup won’t allow the area to breathe and it can cause infection.
No sun beds, tanning, sauna, excessive sweating in the gym (use a headband to avoid sweat dripping on the brows) for 10 days. It is best to allow the brow to heal naturally.
No Botox, chemicals peels, microdermabrasion, or dermaplaning for 3 weeks after treatment

Expected phases for pigment:
1 – 7 days: darkest pigment. don’t worry, it’s temporary!
7 – 15 days: pigment may lighten to be even lighter than the final result
15 – 30 day: intensity of the color increases slightly (final results before touch up)
Day 30: touch up of the pigment.
Often, even with proper care, customers can develop uneven colors or some light spots. It is absolutely normal and the skin can react with pigment in many ways. We will address this at the one month mark at your touch-up. In rare cases some people need more than one touch-up.